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Title: Laplacian of the hamiltonian kinetic energy density as an indicator of binding and weak interactions
Author: Fernando Cortes-Guzman
Author ID: info:eu-repo/dai/mx/orcid/0000-0002-6716-1621
Abstract: The kinetic energy is the center of a controversy between two opposite points of view about its role in the formation of a chemical bond. One school states that a lowering of the kinetic energy associated with electron delocalization is the key stabilization mechanism of covalent bonding. In contrast, the opposite school holds that a chemical bond is formed by a decrease in the potential energy due to a concentration of electron density within the binding region. In this work, a topographic analysis of the Hamiltonian Kinetic Energy Density (KED) and its Laplacian is presented to gain more insight into the role of the kinetic energy within chemical interactions. This study is focused on atoms, diatomic and organic molecules, along with their dimers.
Issue Date: 2020
Language: eng
Appears in Collections:Artículos

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